ViV Industry - April 4 and 5, 2023 - Bordeaux, France

Sylvain Chaffraix took part in the round-table discussion “Data, connected sensors, software: what strategies for protecting and exploiting industrial property rights for your digital innovations?” at the ViV Industry trade show in Bordeaux.

“Digital technology can't be patented, so we can't protect anything…” this is one of the common misconceptions held by many innovative companies. But it's true!

Copyrights, designs, trademarks, patents, sui generis database rights, not forgetting the strategy of secrecy… so many avenues to explore and articulate to protect intellectual property relating to digital solutions for industry, and particularly those linked to artificial intelligence.

Speakers :

  • Patrice Frutos, INPI France
  • Sylvain Chaffraix, Regimbeau
  • Pierre Compère, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation