
Agritech and Foodtech : helping you meet the challenges of the agri-food and agricultural revolution

Agriculture is undergoing a revolution. Its challenges are immense: feeding a growing world population while preserving the planet and adapting to climate change. For several years, Regimbeau has been the intellectual property partner of major industrial groups and start-ups in these industries, for both producers and distributors. 

Helping you forge a new identity to meet the new expectations of the industry and society.

Even more than before, agriculture is at the crossroads of all innovations in many fields, particularly the biological field with cell culture, the technical field with vertical or high-precision farming thanks to robotics and the assistance of digital tools, but also the commercial field to launch innovative food products or reinvent traditional products, but grown differently. 

The same is true for the agri-food sector (including foodtech companies, which are essential in the new economy), the leading French industrial sector, the importance of which was clearly highlighted during the health crisis. 

These companies, while modernising their industrial production, processing, delivery and marketing tools, must meet new expectations of producers and consumers who are more inclined towards e-commerce, and responsible brands for healthier food.

It is therefore not surprising that these two sectors are at the heart of the same ethical debates that are driving society: food safety, animal welfare, environmental protection, ecological transition. 

Our dedicated counsels will provide you with the benefit of their technical expertise adapted to each of your innovations, their legal methodology and their pragmatism to define, protect, defend and enhance your intellectual property assets in France, Europe and worldwide. We stand by your side so as to allow you to transform these challenges into sources of development.

Identifying, defending and enhancing the value of your agri-food and agricultural innovations

  • Protecting your innovations by working hand in hand with your experts, including when your project combines different cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the fields of biology, plant variety certificate, connected tools, embedded robotics 
  • Taking into account the regulatory timetable when defining a protection strategy 
  • Protecting your trademarks, designs, domain names in all your markets 
  • Protecting your creations through appropriate measures 
  • Counselling on the defence of your rights to fight against infringement, unfair competition, parasitism and piracy  
  • Litigation and pre-litigation 
  • Alternative dispute resolution methods 
  • Setting up a technological and competitive watch
  • Enhancing the value of your industrial property portfolio- a key asset of your company in the event of the sale or acquisition of business sectors
  • Preparing and negotiating agreements for the exploitation of rights (assignment, licence, franchise…) 
  • Convincing investors to assist companies and participate in the construction of a unifying eco-system.
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