Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation - September 14, 2023 - Toulouse, France

Stéphanie Massin Celaire, Partner and French and European Patent Attorney at Regimbeau, and Katia Pouilly, Head of the Contracts, Valuation and Data Department, will be present at Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation's Rentrée.

The day will focus on the synthesis of the CSR x Innovation barometer: “When innovation invites itself to the CSR table”, jointly produced by Valorial, KPMG and Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation.

More information on this event (registration reserved for members of Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation and Valorial).

EPI Seminar – October 18, 2023 – Munich  

Sylvain Thivillier will be taking part as a speaker at the EPI seminar on October 18, from 9am to 5pm, in Munich. 

This one day EPI seminar will focus on infringement by equivalence in the main EPC jurisdictions, and will consider case law both in the mechanical and chemical field.  

For more information, visit 

La Matinale Valorial - September 26, 2023  

Barbara Casadewall and Caroline Huguet-Braun will be present at La Matinale Valorial on September 26, from 9am to 1pm, in Rennes. 

They will present Regimbeau's services in intellectual property for companies in the bioeconomy and agri-food innovation sector. 

For more information: 

NutrEvent - 17 and 18 October 2023 - Rennes  

Barbara Casadewall and Caroline Huguet-Braun will be representing Regimbeau at NutrEvent 2023, on October 17 and 18, in Rennes.  

NutrEvent is Europe's leading event for innovation in human and animal nutrition.  It offers a privileged opportunity to connect with international partners for your R&D projects.    

To find out more, visit  

Medicen Day - September 26th, 2023  

Regimbeau will be present at Medicen Day, the annual event for the Paris region's healthcare innovation network, on Tuesday September 26 in Paris!  

Anne-Laure Deleuze and Nicolas Bouquin will be present to discuss the issue of intellectual property in the field of healthcare innovation in a short talk entitled "IA & Inventions: protect yourself!" 

For more information: 

Webinar Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation - September 21, 2023 

Franck Delamer and Sylvain Chaffraix will be participating in a webinar organized by Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation on September 21.   

Our experts will discuss the regulations on the use of data and its intellectual property rights in agriculture.  

More specifically, they will discuss the various ways of protecting innovation and data in machine learning, and will explain the Data Act and its impact. 

To take part in the webinar, visit 

SPACE 2023- 12-14 September 2023 - Rennes

Jean-Yves Branger and Jean-Nicolas Héraud will be attending SPACE 2023, the international exhibition for animal farming in Rennes. SPACE 2023 will take place from Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 September at the Parc Expo in Rennes.

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Trade fair SME - September 25 and 26 - Paris, France

Katia Pouilly will be taking part in the SME trade show for the self-employed, entrepreneurs and managers of very small businesses, to be held in Paris (Porte Maillot) on September 25 and 26, 2023.

The conference entitled “Intellectual property: a stimulus for your company's development”, co-hosted by Samuel Le Cacheux (Cabinet Jacobacci Coralis Harle), will take place on September 25 at 2:15 pm.

It will be an opportunity to share best legal and business practices concerning intellectual property assets, and to list the essential and efficient actions to be taken from the creation of a product (or service) to its marketing.