The entry into force of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court is now expected for October 2022. What changes for European patent applicants in 2022? What strategies should they adopt? Our experts Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Sylvain Thivillier and Frédérique Durieux will present the new system and its implications, as well as its budgetary impact. Registration by email to:
Month: May 2022
Décideurs Magazine - 2022 Ranking
Décideurs Magazine has published its annual rankings, identifying the best IP law firms in France. REGIMBEAU is once again ranked in the “indispensable” category for “Patents General Classification”, “Physics, Mechanics & Construction Patents”, Chemistry, Biology and Life Sciences Patents” and “Electronics, Telecoms and New Technologies Patents” and “excellent” in “Trademarks & Designs”.