Regimbeau, a leading intellectual property law firm, rebrands its corporate identity

Regimbeau is launching its new website along with a fresh new look to its corporate brand which combines novelty and modernity.

New logo and virtual identity 

"As Regimbeau turns 90, we felt it was time to rethink our logo and our virtual image. As a result of this work, Regimbeau now has a clear identity that is a reflection of who we are today and what we are set to achieve in the future," said Jean-Robert Callon de Lamarck, Managing Partner.

New website

"For the redesign of our website, our aim was to create an attractive and unique site with easy access to information. In addition to offering smoother navigation, we have designed the content of the site to address the needs expressed by our clients in relation to their business sector or their intellectual property challenges," explains Olivier Prats, partner.

All the teams of Regimbeau hope that you will appreciate this new interface, and wish you a good experience with the site!

APRAM - Meeting of the National Brands Commission

Contribution by Martine Bloch-Weill, Partner, at the Meeting of the National Brands Commission, whose theme is "Non-traditional brands: what makes them atypical".

VALO Meeting

Participation of Barbara Casadewall, Partner, to the new edition of VALO Meeting by IDF INNOV.

PTMG Congress

Participation of Isabelle Thill, French & European Trademarks and Designs Attorney, at the 97th PTMG congress (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group).

After the Holidays: Trademarks, Designs & Domain Names, What’s new?”

Regimbeau is organising a breakfast conference on “After the Holidays: Trademarks, Designs & Domain Names, What’s new?”. Contributions from Evelyne Roux, Partner, Isabelle Thill, Partner, Julie Brun, Senior Associate, Agathe LANGLE, Assistant of the Head of the Trademark & Design filing Department, and Nicolas Demilly, European Trademark and Design Attorney.

Groupe B+

Jerome COLLIN shall represent FICPI in a B+ Group meeting, and shall present FICPI position on substantive patent law harmonisation. More information about the Group B+

FICPI position on substantive patent law harmonisation

Fair Entreprendre dans l'Ouest

Participation of Caroline Huguet, French Trademark Attorney, and Jean-Yves Branger, French and European Patent Attorney at the fair "Entreprendre dans l'Ouest".

AIPPI Congress

Participation of Frédérique Faivre Petit as member of the French delegation.

ASPI conference - Traditional Knowledge & Nagoya Protocol

Contribution by Gabrielle Faure-André on "Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expression, Genetic Resources, Nagoya Protocol, Towards New Forms of Intellectual Property?" at the ASPI conference

Annual Conference Marques

Participation of Julie BRUN, French & European Trademark and Design Attorney, at the 32nd Annual Trademarks Conference.

Awards ceremony of the iLab Competition

Participation of Cécile Puech, Anne Seibel et Philippe Bessiere in the awards ceremony of the iLab Competition organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and BPI France on July 5, 2018, at the Cité des Sciences.
Contribution by Cécile PUECH at a round table for start-ups in Life Sciences.

Co-ownership of patents: good or bad fortune?

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "Co-ownership of patents: good or bad fortune?". The debates will be led by: Anne-Emmanuelle KAHN, Lecturer - at Université Lyon 2 - Director of Master 2 Intellectual Property Law - Law of aesthetic artistic creations, Katia Pouilly, Intellectual Property Attorney, and Raphaëlle Gillet, Intellectual Property Attorney.

FORMATION : The basics of patent procedures

Regimbeau organizes a training on the theme "The basics of patent procedures". Intervention of Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Partner.

For more information and registration:

Issues of biodiversity laws

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "Issues of Biodiversity Laws on Access, Exploitation and Intellectual Property Associated with Genetic Resources in Biotechnology". Contribution by Claire NEIRAC and Alexandrine REY, PI Lawyers Law of the Living- CIRAD Montpellier, Armelle Leonard, French & European Patent Attorney and Head of the Montpellier office, Philippe Bessiere, French & European Patent Attorney and Head of the Toulouse office, Gabrielle Faure-André, French & European Patent Attorney and Barbara Casadewall, Partner.

37th annual conference ECTA

Participation of Olivier Prats, Partner, at the 37th annual conference ECTA.

ASPI & LES France Conference

Contribution by Frédérique Faivre Petit, Partner, on the "Patentability of Antibodies on Both Sides of the Atlantic: EPO Case Law and the Lessons of Amgen vs. Sanofi" at the conference organized by LES and ASPI on the "2017-2018 IP News on medicine: CCP, competition and case law


Contribution by Franck Delamer, French Patent Attorney, Contracts & IP Valuation Department, to introduce the GDPR at the AIPLA CNCPI Meeting.

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin, Partner, at the FICPI World Congress.

BIOTechno Forum 2018

Participation of Aurélia Vavasseur at the round table "Intellectual Property and Patents" at the Forum BIOTechno Auvergne Rhône-Alpes 2018.

New European Regulation about Data Protection: Are you ready?

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "New European Regulation about Data Protection: Are you ready?". Contribution from Franck Delamer, French Patent Attorney, Contracts & IP Valuation Department.

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin at the Executive Committee FICPI as representative of the “International Patents” committee of the FICPI.

BIO International Convention

Participation of Frédérique Faivre Petit, Partner, and Nicolas Bouquin, Senior Associate, at the BIO International Convention.

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin at the FICPI CET meeting as Reporter of the CET Committee “International Patents”. Nomination of Jérôme COLLIN as Chair of this Committee.

INTA 2018

Contribution by Evelyne Roux and Brewster TAYLOR from STITES & HARBISON at the table topic « Protection of Industrial Designs through Intellectual Property Rights : Comparing Protection in the U.S. with Protection in France and the E.U. »

CNCPI and AFPI conference during INTA 2018 Annual Meeting

Contribution by Sylvain Thivillier, Head of our Munich's office, at the CNCPI and AFPI Conference on the impact of Brexit on Intellectual Property law in Europe.

More information

INTA Annual conference 2018

Participation of Evelyne Roux, Martine Bloch-Weill, Julie Brun, Nicolas Demilly and Sylvain Thivillier.

Incubator Arts et Métiers / ParisTech

Contribution by Jean-Robert Callon de Lamarck, Partner, and Franck Delamer, Industrial Property Attorney, at the Incubator of Arts et Métiers / ParisTech on Protection and Contracts.

IFCPAR Meeting

Contribution by Frédérique Durieux, Head of the Grenoble office, to the Standard Expert Panel on "French & European patents - The essentials" at the meeting organized by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR)

AIPLA Spring meeting

Participation of Sylvain Thivillier, Head of our Munich’s office, at the AIPLA Spring meeting.

Regimbeau IP Academy 2018

Regimbeau is organising a 5-day training seminar on "European Patents and Designs: The Essentials" for clients and foreign colleagues wishing to acquire a working knowledge of the specificities of patent and design procedures in Europe.

Contributions by Jérôme Collin, Sylvain Thivillier, Frédérique Faivre Petit, Evelyne Roux, Emmanuelle Levy, Martine Bloch-Weill, Isabelle Thill, Nicolas Bouquin, Henri Bourgeois, Frédérique Durieux, Philippe Bessiere, Caroline Huguet, Matthieu Objois, Cécile Puech, Anne Seibel, Guillaume Schwab.

For more information

Employee Inventions Commission meeting: the designation of inventors

The next APEB Employee Inventions Commission meeting will take place on March 29th. The subject will be « Designation of inventors : comparative approach France, Germany and the USA. What precautions ? What consequences ? » Franck Delamer, Industrial Property Attorney, will co-host this meeting with Dominique Kugel, Sanofi.

Meeting with Master 2 Students about Industrial Property Paris 2 - Pantheon - Assas

Anne-Laure Deleuze, Axelle Trichard and Katia Pouilly introduce to Assas Students the activities of Regimbeau as well as those of an ICC.

Conference on Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and ABS

Participation of Gabrielle Faure-André in the "Nagoya Protocol Conference and ABS (access and benefit-sharing): what impact on your supply of plant resources for plant variety selection, acquisition or development?" organized by Vegepolys

FICPI Sweden Seminar

Contribution by Jérôme Collin, Partner, to the FICPI Sweden Seminar "A New IP World ?" on "Interfering patent applications and current work on Substantive Patent Law Harmonisation in the B+ Group"

Intellectual and living property: genes, microorganisms, biosourced assets, what protection strategy for these innovations?

Contribution by Philippe Bessiere, Head of the Toulouse Office, at the “Intellectual and living property: genes, microorganisms, biosourced assets, what protection strategy for these innovations?” conference co-organized by the Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation "Pôle Compétitivité" and REGIMBEAU.

Business Fair

Participation de Katia Pouilly at the event « Salon des Entrepreneurs » (business fair).

Contract law reform

Contribution by Katia Pouilly at the conference "Reform of obligations' law" organized by the CNCPI.

Conference on Biodiversity

Participation of Gabrielle Faure-André, IP Attorney, at the Conference entitled "The Nagoya Protocol, Biodiversity here and abroad" organized by FEBEA, PRODAROM, ASPA INGRECOS and UNITIS. This conference took place at IFIS (Boulogne-Billancourt) on January 16, 2018. Many speakers (representatives of industries and competent authorities) drew up a very complete picture of the implementation in France and abroad of the laws relating to access and benefit sharing in accordance with the European Regulation. Practical case studies closed this day.

Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices".
Interventions of Anne Boutaric, Raphaëlle Gillet and Frédérique Durieux.


Participation of Jérôme Collin to the 70th APAA convention and presentation to the Patent Committee of APAA of FICPI positions.

Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices".
Interventions of Armelle Leonard, and Mikaël Bensadoun.

Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors, Issues and practices

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors, Issues and practices".

European Patent Academy

Jérôme Collin will act as a European Representative in the Mock Opposition organised by the European Patent Academy.


Participation of Martine Bloch-Weill at a visit of the CNCPI delegation.

Hacking Health Lyon

Participation of Regimbeau at Hacking Health Lyon, hackathon dedicated to health.

Digital mornings - Which protection for software?

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme "Digital mornings - Which protection for software?"

Nagoya Protocol Conference

Interventions of Gabrielle Faure-André and Raphaëlle Gillet at the 4th edition of the Nagoya Protocol Conference.

Inventions of employees - Part 2: Remuneration of inventors, Issues and practices

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 2: Remuneration of inventors, Issues and practices".
Interventions of Frédérique Durieux, Raphaëlle Gillet et Lucile Vernoux.

Loi PACTE & Nouvelles stratégies de protection PI

Regimbeau organise un petit-déjeuner sur le thème "Loi PACTE & Nouvelles stratégies de protection PI - Nouveaux types de marques,
Procédure d’opposition & nouvelles procédures en nullité et déchéance". Interventions de Evelyne Roux et d'Isabelle Thill, Associées.

Posted in Uncategorized

Techinnov 2020

Participation of Anne-Laure Deleuze at Techinnov 2020.

HR Commission - France Biotech

Participation of Barbara Casadewall and Gabrielle Faure-André at a meeting of the HR Commission, organized by France Biotech, about "Intellectual Property and inventors right".

Digital mornings - New challenges, new contracts related to digital

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "Digital mornings - New challenges, new contracts related to digital".

PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies - Postponed to a later date

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies." Interventions of Anne Boutaric and Olivier Prats.

PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies - Postponed to a later date

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies". Interventions of Françoise Bomer, Caroline Huguet, Jean-Yves Branger et de Eric Roussel.

Digital mornings : How to protect AI related inventions? (Postponed to a later date)

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "Digital mornings - How to protect AI related inventions?"

PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme "PACTE Act & New IP protection strategies - Utility certificate, provisional patent & procedure of opposition to French patents". Intervention of Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Partner.


Participation of Sylvain Thivillier and Matthieu Objois at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Inventions of employees - Part 2: Remuneration of inventors, Issues and practices

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 2: Remuneration of inventors, Issues and practices". Interventions of Armelle Leonard et de Mikaël Bensadoun.

Reform of Industrial Property financing: challenges and new opportunities

Regimbeau and LEYTON, Consulting Firm in Innovation, introduce a webinar on the theme "Reform of Industrial Property financing: challenges and new opportunities".
Intervention of Frédérique Faivre Petit.

Webinar: Post-COVID19 Challenges

Contribution of Barbara Casadewall, Partner in Medicen's webinar "Our partners get mobilized: Post-COVID19 challenges".

Webinar: Intellectual Property - When the Covid crisis turns into an opportunity

Interventions of Barbara Casadewall and Marc Levieils in Mabdesign’s webinar “Intellectual Property - When the Covid crisis turns into an opportunity”.

IP Challenges and opportunities: Optimizing budgets

Regimbeau holds a Livechat dedicated to Industrial Property Budget Optimization for its clients, moderated by Martine Bloch-Weill and Jérôme Collin, Partners.

Medicen Day

Participation of Barbara Casadewall and Frédérique Faivre Petit at the Medicen Day, an annual event that brings together Medicen's French Network of Excellence in Innovative Healthcare.

Polytech Nantes

Intervention of Franck Delamer, at Polytech Nantes, on the RGPD and the telecom regulation.

Webinar: IP issues and protection of digital innovations - review and good practices

Interventions of Armelle Leonard and Mikaël Bensadoun at the webinar organized by Agri Sud Ouest on the topic "IP issues and protection of digital innovations - review and good practices".

FICPI’s webinar: Lean Management applied to service

FICPI organizes a webinar on the theme: « Lean Management applied to service: How to transform forced adaptation to telework into an opportunity for improvement? ». Moderated by Marc Levieils, Partner.

Digital mornings - Blockchain and IP (Postponed to a later date)

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "Digital mornings - Blockchain and IP"

Digital mornings - Protection of Connected Objects and Database (Postponed to a later date)

Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme is "Digital mornings - Protection of Connected Objects and Database"

Webinar: Industrial Property & Blockchain

Intervention of Mikaël Bensadoun at the CCI Occitanie's webinar which will give an overview of the state of patents and Industrial Property in Blockchain technologies.

2020 AIPPI World Congress Online

Intervention of Jérôme Collin at the AIPPI World Congress for presenting in a roundtable FICPI position on patent law harmonization on October 7th at 5:00 pm.

Congress programme and registration

Data protection & Valuation

Intervention of Franck Delamer at the Agri Sud-Ouest’s webinar who will give his insight on data protection and opportunities to value data.

Antibody Industrial Symposium 2020

Contribution on the Challenges & Perspectives of Intellectual Property in Immunotherapy by Raphaëlle Gillet, French and European Patent Attorney and Sara Haines, US Patent Agent to AIS congress 2020.

AIS Programme

France Biotech Webinar "Employee Advocacy, remuneration policies, compensation of inventors in HealthTech"

Barbara Casadewall and Gabrielle Faure-André will discuss inventor compensation practices, the RGPD and the Research Tax Credit in this webinar dedicated to HealthTech HR issues.

Medicen Masterclass "AI & Data in Health: How to manage your IP?"

Jean-Robert Callon de Lamarck and Barbara Casadewall will discuss the means of implementing an IP strategy in the development of AI and the use of related data.

EPO Webinar - Patent drafting in the mobility sector goes digital

Intervention of Frédérique Durieux, on the different filing methods and ways of integrating Europe into a global protection strategy by optimising procedure costs and delays.


FICPI Webinar : Divisional applications

Jérôme Collin shall moderate and speak in a webinar organized by FICPI in its « Connect, Share and Grow » series. This webinar will focus on "Divisional applications: matching your patent strategy with your product strategy, across different jurisdictions".

More details and Registration

Medicen Masterclass "Collaboration between large groups and SMEs: How to leverage IP assets?"

Barbara Casadewall and Marc Levieils will address on January 28, 2021 at 2pm ways to valorise your industrial property assets in this webinar hosted by Medicen Paris Region.

epi Webinar : Intellectual Property needs to create value

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar on March 10th from 10 to 11 am for epi members and students. This event will discuss how global changes in the last 30 years have transformed the way organisations address industrial property.

Webinar epi : Intellectual Property strategy

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar organised on 17 March from 10am to 11am for epi members and students. This webinar will address how to choose and implement an industrial property strategy. More specifically, the webinar will cover the strategic value of IP for SMEs.

epi Webinar: Patent valuation of Intellectual Property

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar on March 24th from 10am to 11am for epi members and adherents. This webinar will deal with IP valuation and will present patent valuation models using cost, market and revenue.

French-German-Polish AIPPI Webinar

Frédérique Faivre Petit will be discussing the recent developments in French patent law in the webinar organized by AIPPI on April 22, 2021. In particular, she will address the French Pact Law and the new patent opposition procedure.

Read our articles on the new patent opposition procedure

AIS 2021 - Protecting epitope versus paratope: Case study from Amgen PCSK9

Raphaëlle Gillet and Nicolas Bouquin will discuss the latest decisions regarding antibody patents and in particular the Amgen PCSK9 case at AIS 2021, on June 23rd 2021 at 2PM.

Check the AIS complete programme

JUC Network – Inventions & Patent Law

As representative of FICPI to the B+ Group, which gathers main patent jurisdictions (EPO, USPTO, KIPO, JPO, INOPI, ..), Jérôme Collin will present in a seminar organized by JUC the current status of substantive patent law harmonization.

More information

INTA Annual conference 2021

Participation of Isabelle Thill, Esther Dupain and Sylvain Thivillier at INTA Annual conference in Berlin on November 17 and at the INTA Virtual Meeting, from November 15 to 19.

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INTA Annual conference 2021

Participation of Isabelle Thill, Esther Dupain and Sylvain Thivillier at INTA Annual conference in Berlin on November 17 and at the INTA Virtual Meeting, from November 15 to 19.

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2021 FICIPI's 20th Virtual Open Forum

Intervention of Jérôme Collin in FICIPI's 20th Open Forum, in the plennary session : "Which IP firm should you hire? A discussion from different perspectives: In-house attorneys & IP firm attorneys" on Wednesday 3 November.

More information

Regimbeau Japan Desk “Virtual Classroom” - Claim Amendment in Europe – First Session

Japan Desk at Regimbeau offers a free online training program, in two sessions, focusing on European patent practice on claim amendment. The program is designed for Japanese patent practitioners to become familiar and confident with European approach. This interactive session will be animated by Jérôme Collin and Masahiro Tahara.

More information & Registration

Regimbeau Japan Desk “Virtual Classroom” - Claim Amendment in Europe – Closing Session

Japan Desk at Regimbeau offers a free online training program, in two sessions, focusing on European patent practice on claim amendment. The program is designed for Japanese patent practitioners to become familiar and confident with European approach. This interactive session will be animated by Jérôme Collin and Masahiro Tahara.

epi Seminar - A fresh look at procedural aspects of appeal proceedings

Jérôme Collin will moderate the epi seminar « A fresh look at procedural aspects of appeal proceedings » on December 7, 2021.

Read more

Patent Law Harmonization – Consultation at the Swiss Patent Office

Jérôme Collin shall present and discuss FICPI position on Substantive patent Law Harmonization (SPLH), at a meeting organized by the Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property, with representatives from the IT3, from AIPPI and from Industry and patent attorneys Organizations.

The WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies

Marc Levieils will be a panellist in Panel #5: Frontier technologies and novel private sector IP solutions. This panel will outline the landscape of AI and frontier technology tools that are increasingly being developed by enterprises and IP professionals, potentially providing solutions such as IP management systems, valuation, transacting, enforcement and licenses.

More information and registration

Webinar - Implementation of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and the Unified Patent Court: the countdown is on!

The entry into force of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court is now expected for October 2022. What changes for European patent applicants in 2022? What strategies should they adopt? Our experts Stéphanie Massin Célaire, Sylvain Thivillier, Frédérique Durieux will present the new system and its implications, as well as its budgetary impact. Registration by email to:

INTA Annual conference 2022

Participation of Isabelle Thill and Julie Brun at INTA Annual conference in Washington.
Participation of Evelyne Roux and Jérôme Collin at the INTA Virtual Meeting.

Webinar - Implementation of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and the Unified Patent Court: the countdown is on!

The entry into force of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court is now expected for October 2022. What changes for European patent applicants in 2022? What strategies should they adopt? Our experts Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Sylvain Thivillier and Frédérique Durieux will present the new system and its implications, as well as its budgetary impact. Registration by email to:

10th Antibody Industrial Symposium AIS2022

Raphaëlle Gillet and Nicolas Bouquin will be speaking on June 28, 2022, at the 10th edition of the AIS, the major symposium in the field of therapeutic antibodies.

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