Webinar – Medtech companies: optimize your IP strategy in Europe

Medtech companies are at the forefront of innovation for patient health. However, as compared to other technical fields, medtech involves specific IP challenges that need to be well understood to build an optimal strategy in Europe.

In this webinar, we will explore these specific features and explain how medtech companies, in particular startups, can protect, enforce and maximize the value of their IP rights in Europe.

Key topics

  • 360° view of the IP of your project
  • Strategies to protect and enforce your rights in Europe
  • Preparing for the IP due diligence of a medtech startup


This webinar will be held on two different dates. The content will be identical for both sessions.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 2024 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm CEST 
  • Tuesday, July 16, 2024 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am CEST 


EPI Webinar –  Webinar on patent litigation in France: specificities of national procedures and future prospects in the light of the UPC – March, 20

Regimbeau is thrilled to announce an EPI webinar led by Sylvain Thivillier, a seasoned expert in patent litigation, on March 20th, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. 

This webinar entitled “Webinar on patent litigation in France: specificities of national procedures and future prospects in the light of the UPC” will provide an opportunity to discover and explore the key aspects of patent litigation in France and the impact of the introduction of the UPC (Unified Patent Court).   

For more information:  epi | Webinar on Patent litigation in France: specifics for national proceedings and a future prospect in light of the UPC (patentepi.org) 

Webinar Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation – September 21, 2023 

Franck Delamer and Sylvain Chaffraix will be participating in a webinar organized by Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation on September 21.   

Our experts will discuss the regulations on the use of data and its intellectual property rights in agriculture.  

More specifically, they will discuss the various ways of protecting innovation and data in machine learning, and will explain the Data Act and its impact. 

To take part in the webinar, visit  https://shorturl.at/zBM36 

Webinar – The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court – June 05, 2023

Frédérique Durieux, partner at Regimbeau, will participate in a conference organized by the Comité d’Echanges Franco-Japonais and MANDEL ASSOCIES which will highlight the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court (UPC).

The conference will take place on June 5 and will be held at the Maison du Barreau in Paris from 9am to 12pm.

More information

Aspi Café Webinar – May 23, 2023

The European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Jurisdiction are scheduled to come into force on June 1, 2023.

On this occasion, Frédérique Durieux, Partner at Regimbeau, had the pleasure to speak in a webinar organized by Aspi on “Preparations and amendments of contracts to prepare for the JUB and the unitary effect patent”.

Strategies for cost-efficient prosecution before the EPO – May 31, 2023 – Osaka Institute of Technology

On May 31, 2023, Masahiro Tahara, the head of Japan Desk, will deliver a seminar regarding “cost-efficient strategies for obtaining European patents” at Osaka Institute of Technology. The registration is open until May 30, 2023. More details can be found by following the link below.

Webinar: Post-COVID19 Challenges

Contribution of Barbara Casadewall, Partner in Medicen’s webinar “Our partners get mobilized: Post-COVID19 challenges”.

Webinar: Intellectual Property – When the Covid crisis turns into an opportunity

Interventions of Barbara Casadewall and Marc Levieils in Mabdesign’s webinar “Intellectual Property – When the Covid crisis turns into an opportunity”.

IP Challenges and opportunities: Optimizing budgets

Regimbeau holds a Livechat dedicated to Industrial Property Budget Optimization for its clients, moderated by Martine Bloch-Weill and Jérôme Collin, Partners.

Webinar: IP issues and protection of digital innovations – review and good practices

Interventions of Armelle Leonard and Mikaël Bensadoun at the webinar organized by Agri Sud Ouest on the topic “IP issues and protection of digital innovations – review and good practices”.

FICPI’s webinar: Lean Management applied to service

FICPI organizes a webinar on the theme: « Lean Management applied to service: How to transform forced adaptation to telework into an opportunity for improvement? ». Moderated by Marc Levieils, Partner.

Webinar: Industrial Property & Blockchain

Intervention of Mikaël Bensadoun at the CCI Occitanie’s webinar which will give an overview of the state of patents and Industrial Property in Blockchain technologies.

2020 AIPPI World Congress Online

Intervention of Jérôme Collin at the AIPPI World Congress for presenting in a roundtable FICPI position on patent law harmonization on October 7th at 5:00 pm.

Congress programme and registration

Data protection & Valuation

Intervention of Franck Delamer at the Agri Sud-Ouest’s webinar who will give his insight on data protection and opportunities to value data.

France Biotech Webinar “Employee Advocacy, remuneration policies, compensation of inventors in HealthTech”

Barbara Casadewall and Gabrielle Faure-André will discuss inventor compensation practices, the RGPD and the Research Tax Credit in this webinar dedicated to HealthTech HR issues.

Medicen Masterclass “AI & Data in Health: How to manage your IP?”

Jean-Robert Callon de Lamarck and Barbara Casadewall will discuss the means of implementing an IP strategy in the development of AI and the use of related data.

EPO Webinar – Patent drafting in the mobility sector goes digital

Intervention of Frédérique Durieux, on the different filing methods and ways of integrating Europe into a global protection strategy by optimising procedure costs and delays.


FICPI Webinar : Divisional applications

Jérôme Collin shall moderate and speak in a webinar organized by FICPI in its « Connect, Share and Grow » series. This webinar will focus on “Divisional applications: matching your patent strategy with your product strategy, across different jurisdictions”.

More details and Registration

Medicen Masterclass “Collaboration between large groups and SMEs: How to leverage IP assets?”

Barbara Casadewall and Marc Levieils will address on January 28, 2021 at 2pm ways to valorise your industrial property assets in this webinar hosted by Medicen Paris Region.

epi Webinar : Intellectual Property needs to create value

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar on March 10th from 10 to 11 am for epi members and students. This event will discuss how global changes in the last 30 years have transformed the way organisations address industrial property.

Webinar epi : Intellectual Property strategy

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar organised on 17 March from 10am to 11am for epi members and students. This webinar will address how to choose and implement an industrial property strategy. More specifically, the webinar will cover the strategic value of IP for SMEs.

epi Webinar: Patent valuation of Intellectual Property

Jérôme Collin will moderate a webinar on March 24th from 10am to 11am for epi members and adherents. This webinar will deal with IP valuation and will present patent valuation models using cost, market and revenue.

French-German-Polish AIPPI Webinar

Frédérique Faivre Petit will be discussing the recent developments in French patent law in the webinar organized by AIPPI on April 22, 2021. In particular, she will address the French Pact Law and the new patent opposition procedure.

Read our articles on the new patent opposition procedure

JUC Network – Inventions & Patent Law

As representative of FICPI to the B+ Group, which gathers main patent jurisdictions (EPO, USPTO, KIPO, JPO, INOPI, ..), Jérôme Collin will present in a seminar organized by JUC the current status of substantive patent law harmonization.

More information

2021 FICIPI’s 20th Virtual Open Forum

Intervention of Jérôme Collin in FICIPI’s 20th Open Forum, in the plennary session : “Which IP firm should you hire? A discussion from different perspectives: In-house attorneys & IP firm attorneys” on Wednesday 3 November.

More information

Regimbeau Japan Desk “Virtual Classroom” – Claim Amendment in Europe – First Session

Japan Desk at Regimbeau offers a free online training program, in two sessions, focusing on European patent practice on claim amendment. The program is designed for Japanese patent practitioners to become familiar and confident with European approach. This interactive session will be animated by Jérôme Collin and Masahiro Tahara.

More information & Registration

Regimbeau Japan Desk “Virtual Classroom” – Claim Amendment in Europe – Closing Session

Japan Desk at Regimbeau offers a free online training program, in two sessions, focusing on European patent practice on claim amendment. The program is designed for Japanese patent practitioners to become familiar and confident with European approach. This interactive session will be animated by Jérôme Collin and Masahiro Tahara.

epi Seminar – A fresh look at procedural aspects of appeal proceedings

Jérôme Collin will moderate the epi seminar « A fresh look at procedural aspects of appeal proceedings » on December 7, 2021.

Read more

Patent Law Harmonization – Consultation at the Swiss Patent Office

Jérôme Collin shall present and discuss FICPI position on Substantive patent Law Harmonization (SPLH), at a meeting organized by the Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property, with representatives from the IT3, from AIPPI and from Industry and patent attorneys Organizations.

The WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies

Marc Levieils will be a panellist in Panel #5: Frontier technologies and novel private sector IP solutions. This panel will outline the landscape of AI and frontier technology tools that are increasingly being developed by enterprises and IP professionals, potentially providing solutions such as IP management systems, valuation, transacting, enforcement and licenses.

More information and registration

Webinar – Implementation of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and the Unified Patent Court: the countdown is on!

The entry into force of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court is now expected for October 2022. What changes for European patent applicants in 2022? What strategies should they adopt? Our experts Stéphanie Massin Célaire, Sylvain Thivillier, Frédérique Durieux will present the new system and its implications, as well as its budgetary impact. Registration by email to: mailing@Regimbeau.eu

Webinar – Implementation of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and the Unified Patent Court: the countdown is on!

The entry into force of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court is now expected for October 2022. What changes for European patent applicants in 2022? What strategies should they adopt? Our experts Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Sylvain Thivillier and Frédérique Durieux will present the new system and its implications, as well as its budgetary impact. Registration by email to: mailing@Regimbeau.eu