WTR1000 - Ranking 2023 - The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

We are proud to announce that Regimbeau is once again ranked as "Gold" by the World Trademark Review for the WTR1000 2023 in France.

According to the WTR1000, "Regimbeau is an excellent law firm that can address the IP needs of any international brand."

We would like to express our gratitude to our clients and partners for the trust they place in us. We would also like to thank our entire trademark team for their exceptional work and commitment.

Décideurs Magazine - 2022 Ranking

Décideurs Magazine has published its annual rankings, identifying the best IP law firms in France. REGIMBEAU is once again ranked in the “indispensable” category for “Patents General Classification”, “Physics, Mechanics & Construction Patents”, Chemistry, Biology and Life Sciences Patents” and “Electronics, Telecoms and New Technologies Patents” and “excellent” in “Trademarks & Designs”.

Financial Times - 2022 Ranking

REGIMBEAU is ranked among the recommended IP firms in France by the Financial Times magazine and Statistica in the Biotechnology & Food, Chemistry & Pharmaceuticals, IT & Software, Electrical engineering and Mechanical Engineering categories.

IAM Patent 1000 - 2022 Ranking

Intellectual Asset Management Magazine (IAM) has published the results of their “IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners” survey identifying the best worldwide patent practitioners. REGIMBEAU is again ranked among the top firms in France in the “Firms – Prosecution” category; Jean-Robert CALLON de LAMARCKFrédérique FAIVRE PETIT and Emmanuelle LEVY have also been recognised in the “Individuals – Prosecution” category.

IP Stars 2022 - Managing Intellectual Property

Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) magazine has published the results of its annual survey identifying the best IP practitioners worldwide. REGIMBEAU is once again ranked among the best firms in France in the "Patent Prosecution" and "Trade Mark Prosecution" categories. Evelyne ROUX, Jean-Robert CALLON DE LAMARCKJérôme COLLIN, and Thomas MOISAND have also received the "IP Stars" distinction.

JUVE Patent – 2022 Rankings

JUVE Patent, a reference platform specialising in the European patent market, has published its ranking of the best patent practitioners in Europe.

REGIMBEAU is ranked among the best firms in France in the «Patent filing» category. Stéphanie Massin Célaire and Emmanuelle Levy are also named “Recommended individuals” in the “Patent attorneys with technical specialty” category for their technical expertise in “Chemistry, Pharmacy and Biotechnology” and Jérôme Collin is recognized as “Recommended individuals” in the area of “Digital Communication, IT and Medtech”.

REGIMBEAU is particularly recognized and recommended in these fields of expertise :

  • Pharma and biotechnology
  • Medical technology
  • Chemistry
  • Digital communication and computer technology
  • Mechanics, process and mechanical engineering

Regimbeau ranked among the top French firms in pharmaceutical patents

Regimbeau has been ranked among the top French firms in pharmaceutical patents, according to a recent study undertaken by Patent-Pilot. A great performance for Regimbeau, especially since most of the patent applications in question are drafted by our teams, as part of the daily support of our direct clients, whom we thank for their trust.

Read the study

IP Stars 2018 – Managing Intellectual Property

Pour la cinquième année consécutive Evelyne ROUX, Jean-Robert CALLON DE LAMARCK et Jérôme COLLIN, Associés, ont reçu la distinction "IP Stars". Cette distinction est décernée par le magazine Managing Intellectual Property et est basée sur les recommandations des professionnels de la PI et des clients.

Client Choice Awards 2014

Martine Bloch-Weill, Associée, a reçu le prix « Client Choice » dans la catégorie « Propriété Intellectuelle -Marques - France ». Fondée en 2005, ce prix récompense les cabinets d’avocats et les professions juridiques du monde entier qui se démarquent aussi bien dans leurs relations avec leurs clients que par la qualité de leur service. Les critères de cette reconnaissance se basent sur la capacité d’apporter une réelle valeur ajoutée aux activités de ses clients. Les lauréats 2014 ont été choisis parmi plus de 2000 candidats évalués par les conseils juridiques d’entreprises du monde entier.