Contribution by Evelyne Roux and Brewster TAYLOR from STITES & HARBISON at the table topic « Protection of Industrial Designs through Intellectual Property Rights : Comparing Protection in the U.S. with Protection in France and the E.U. »
月: 2018年5月
CNCPI and AFPI conference during INTA 2018 Annual Meeting
Contribution by Sylvain Thivillier, Head of our Munich's office, at the CNCPI and AFPI Conference on the impact of Brexit on Intellectual Property law in Europe.
INTA Annual conference 2018
Participation of Evelyne Roux, Martine Bloch-Weill, Julie Brun, Nicolas Demilly and Sylvain Thivillier.
IFCPAR Meeting
Contribution by Frédérique Durieux, Head of the Grenoble office, to the Standard Expert Panel on "French & European patents - The essentials" at the meeting organized by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR)
AIPLA Spring meeting
Participation of Sylvain Thivillier, Head of our Munich’s office, at the AIPLA Spring meeting.