Co-ownership of patents: good or bad fortune?

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "Co-ownership of patents: good or bad fortune?". The debates will be led by: Anne-Emmanuelle KAHN, Lecturer - at Université Lyon 2 - Director of Master 2 Intellectual Property Law - Law of aesthetic artistic creations, Katia Pouilly, Intellectual Property Attorney, and Raphaëlle Gillet, Intellectual Property Attorney.

FORMATION : The basics of patent procedures

Regimbeau organizes a training on the theme "The basics of patent procedures". Intervention of Stéphanie Massin Célaire;, Partner.

For more information and registration:

Issues of biodiversity laws

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "Issues of Biodiversity Laws on Access, Exploitation and Intellectual Property Associated with Genetic Resources in Biotechnology". Contribution by Claire NEIRAC and Alexandrine REY, PI Lawyers Law of the Living- CIRAD Montpellier, Armelle Leonard, French & European Patent Attorney and Head of the Montpellier office, Philippe Bessiere, French & European Patent Attorney and Head of the Toulouse office, Gabrielle Faure-André, French & European Patent Attorney and Barbara Casadewall, Partner.

37th annual conference ECTA

Participation of Olivier Prats, Partner, at the 37th annual conference ECTA.

ASPI & LES France Conference

Contribution by Frédérique Faivre Petit, Partner, on the "Patentability of Antibodies on Both Sides of the Atlantic: EPO Case Law and the Lessons of Amgen vs. Sanofi" at the conference organized by LES and ASPI on the "2017-2018 IP News on medicine: CCP, competition and case law

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin, Partner, at the FICPI World Congress.

BIOTechno Forum 2018

Participation of Aurélia Vavasseur at the round table "Intellectual Property and Patents" at the Forum BIOTechno Auvergne Rhône-Alpes 2018.

New European Regulation about Data Protection: Are you ready?

Regimbeau is organising a conference on: "New European Regulation about Data Protection: Are you ready?". Contribution from Franck Delamer, French Patent Attorney, Contracts & IP Valuation Department.

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin at the Executive Committee FICPI as representative of the “International Patents” committee of the FICPI.

BIO International Convention

Participation of Frédérique Faivre Petit, Partner, and Nicolas Bouquin, Senior Associate, at the BIO International Convention.

FICPI Congress

Participation of Jérôme Collin at the FICPI CET meeting as Reporter of the CET Committee “International Patents”. Nomination of Jérôme COLLIN as Chair of this Committee.

IP Stars 2018 – Managing Intellectual Property

Pour la cinquième année consécutive Evelyne ROUX, Jean-Robert CALLON DE LAMARCK et Jérôme COLLIN, Associés, ont reçu la distinction "IP Stars". Cette distinction est décernée par le magazine Managing Intellectual Property et est basée sur les recommandations des professionnels de la PI et des clients.