Animation by Jérôme Collin of a seminar organized by the JPAA (Japanese Patent Attorneys Association)
月: 2019年11月
JPAA Seminar
Animation by Jérôme Collin of a seminar organized by the JPAA (Japanese Patent Attorneys Association)
Participation of Regimbeau at the TRIUM Forum
Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices
Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices".
Interventions of Anne Boutaric, Raphaëlle Gillet and Frédérique Durieux.
Participation of Jérôme Collin to the 70th APAA convention and presentation to the Patent Committee of APAA of FICPI positions.
Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices
Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors (FR / US), Issues and practices".
Interventions of Armelle Leonard, and Mikaël Bensadoun.
Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors, Issues and practices
Regimbeau organizes a breakfast conference on the theme: "Inventions of employees - Part 1: Designation of inventors, Issues and practices".
European Patent Academy
Jérôme Collin will act as a European Representative in the Mock Opposition organised by the European Patent Academy.
Participation of Martine Bloch-Weill at a visit of the CNCPI delegation.
Hacking Health Lyon
Participation of Regimbeau at Hacking Health Lyon, hackathon dedicated to health.