Regimbeau is organising a breakfast conference on “After the Holidays: Trademarks, Designs & Domain Names, What’s new?”. Contributions from Evelyne Roux, Partner, Isabelle Thill, Partner, Julie Brun, Senior Associate, Agathe LANGLE, Assistant of the Head of the Trademark & Design filing Department, and Nicolas Demilly, European Trademark and Design Attorney.
月: 2018年9月
Groupe B+
Jerome COLLIN shall represent FICPI in a B+ Group meeting, and shall present FICPI position on substantive patent law harmonisation. More information about the Group B+
Fair Entreprendre dans l'Ouest
Participation of Caroline Huguet, French Trademark Attorney, and Jean-Yves Branger, French and European Patent Attorney at the fair "Entreprendre dans l'Ouest".
AIPPI Congress
Participation of Frédérique Faivre Petit as member of the French delegation.
ASPI conference - Traditional Knowledge & Nagoya Protocol
Contribution by Gabrielle Faure-André on "Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expression, Genetic Resources, Nagoya Protocol, Towards New Forms of Intellectual Property?" at the ASPI conference
Annual Conference Marques
Participation of Julie BRUN, French & European Trademark and Design Attorney, at the 32nd Annual Trademarks Conference.