Raphaëlle Gillet, Ph.D

French Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
French English


Raphaëlle Gillet started her career in industrial property in 2001.

After a first experience in a biopharmaceutical start-up, Raphaëlle worked in various Industrial Property firms. She joined Regimbeau in 2014.

Raphaëlle assists her clients (from start-ups to large companies) and supports them in the set-up, development, management and defense of their patent portfolio; in a way that is adapted to their specific needs. She also assists her clients in setting up and managing the recurrent issue of employee inventions.

Raphaëlle also provides various training courses, both to make industrial property accessible to all, and to develop her clients' knowledge on the aspects of industrial property that are specific to their technical field.


  • French Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Representative before the UPC


  • Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology (Institut Cochin de Génétique Moléculaire, Paris)
  • MS in Cellular and Molecular Biology Development (Hôpital Necker, Paris)
  • CEIPI Graduate (Distinction in Patents and Trademarks)
  • Master 2 of Law Economics Management from the CEIPI (Specialization in Industrial Property law)


  • Acquisition of IP Rights & Strategy
  • IP Prosecution & Portfolio Management
  • Pre-litigation & Litigation
  • Freedom to operate

Teaching / Representative positions

  • Lecturer at the CEIPI for the European Qualification Exam

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