French English


After sixteen years of experience as a patent engineer in companies (Start-up in plant biotechnologies then a leading multinational company in cosmetics), and two years as legal and intellectual property director of a Technology transfer structure in the Occitanie Region (Montpellier), Armelle Leonard joined Regimbeau in 2016.

Her areas of interest are cosmetics, diagnostic methods, personalized medicine, and biotechnology, but she is committed to answering all of her clients' needs (mechanics, chemicals, brands, contracts) with the support of the Regimbeau teams. Armelle supports a large industrial group, but also enjoys working with SMEs and start-ups, public organizations and technology transfer structures. She enjoys working closely with scientists to understand the technical aspects of inventions, and advises her clients with a lot of pedagogy and a business vision of IP acquired through her long experience in companies.

She has extensive experience in obtaining and defending rights, in particular before the European Patent Office, IP strategy, freedom to operate and IP valuation. She also contributes to the influence of IP through presentations on thematic subjects, IP awareness training and courses for students.


  • French Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Representative before the UPC


  • Engineer in Pharmacology and Biotechnologies (Polytech ’Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
  • Master in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Graduated from CEIPI ("Patents")


  • IP Audit
  • Acquisition of IP Rights & Strategy
  • IP Prosecution & Portfolio Management
  • IP Valuation
  • Freedom to operate

Teaching / Representative positions

  • Course on patent litigation in France in the pharmaceutical field at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Montpellier
  • Course on patentability in the field of Biotechnologies, DU IBIS of Montpellier


  • Armelle enjoys traveling and discovering new cultures, admiring the beauty of nature and recharging her batteries in front of the sea. She is also interested in contemporary art.

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