Nicolas Demilly

Senior Associate
French English


Nicolas Demilly started his Industrial Property career in 2005.

After some years’ experience in the Intellectual Property departments within major French companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, Nicolas joined Regimbeau in 2006.

Nicolas works for large multinational groups and SMEs. He has developed specific expertise, with French and foreign companies, in the fields of food, software, veterinary products, construction, telecommuncations, fashion and culture in particular. He has a wide expertise in the acquisition and the defense of the trademarks on a worldwide basis, including well-known marks and color marks, as well as in managing and optimizing worldwide trademark portfolios.


  • French Trademark Attorney
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney


  • Master of Business Law (Faculté de droit d’Orléans)
  • MA in European and International Business (Faculté de droit d’Orléans)
  • MA in Commercial and Communication Law (Faculté de droit d’Orléans)
  • CEIPI Graduate (Trademarks & Designs)


  • IP Audit
  • Negociation
  • Acquisition of IP Rights & Strategy
  • IP Prosecution & Portfolio Management
  • Pre-litigation & Litigation
  • IP Valuation
  • Business Intelligence
  • Contract drafting

Teaching / Representative positions

  • Member of the Trademark Commission at the CNCPI


  • Nicolas uses to play soccer since he is 6. He likes sport broadly speaking and boardgames, which he collects. He also likes to spend time with his wife and his two children and he enjoys recharching his batteries in the Gâtinais.