15 Insights results found for "Security ".

Publications - 29 Jan 2024

“Saisie-contrefaçon” at trade shows

Publications - 24 Mar 2023

Processing of personal data by a service provider : beware of the risks of contract cancellation.

Publications - 06 Jul 2021

Antibodies defined by functional features: Beware of sufficiency of disclosure !

Publications - 30 Nov 2020

PACTE brings major changes in French IP Law

Publications - 24 Mar 2020

Personal Data and “Covid-19 Alert”

Publications - 04 Feb 2020

PACTE law: changes relating to examination of French patent applications

Publications - 09 Aug 2019

Data in the sports sector

Publications - 23 Jul 2019

One year of GDPR

Publications - 29 Apr 2019

Protect your data in 5 lessons

Publications - 04 Oct 2018

European Patent Office : Patentability of inventions involving Artificial Intelligence

Publications - 25 May 2018

GRDP: it’s now!

Publications - 07 Feb 2018

GDPR & Personal Data : What are you doing over the next few months ?