41 Insights results found for "Nom de domaine ".

Publications - 04 Oct 2018

European Patent Office : Patentability of inventions involving Artificial Intelligence

Publications - 04 Sep 2018

URDP procedure: do not relinquish action against a disputed domain name registered for several years!

Publications - 21 Aug 2018

Brexit – Trademarks & Designs: an automatic transfer without official taxes for trademarks and designs of the European Union

Publications - 16 Aug 2018

Proposal from the European parliament and council on copyright for a directive in the single digital market. Rejection or substantive debate coming?

Publications - 13 Apr 2018

The assessment of the protection of a design with a technical function: an issue now settled by the Court of Justice of the European Union

Publications - 02 Sep 2017

Elimination of the graphical representation requirement of your trademarks: Can’t find an available trademark? Be creative! Any sign can be registered… In theory

Publications - 09 Aug 2017

Declaration of “Sensitive” Inventions with the DGA: Clarified Procedure

Publications - 24 Aug 2015

China: Beware of Fraudulent Trademark and Domain Name Filings

Publications - 17 Jun 2015

Nobody Puts the URS in a Corner

Publications - 18 May 2015

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Patentability in Europe and the United States

Publications - 14 Aug 2014

Trademarks & Tobacco : Plain Packaging

Publications - 25 Jun 2014

The US patent system (still) requires more than the laws of Nature…