Paris, 19 June 2024 – F. Initiatives, a leader in public innovation financing consultancy for over twenty years, and Regimbeau, an Industrial Property (IP) law firm for over 90 years, are joining forces to provide a joint offering unlike any other on the market. The aim? To improve the protection and financial value of innovations by linking IP and R&D.  

With a 360° approach and unique support, this collaboration aims to bridge the gap so often observed between the strategies developed by companies in terms of intellectual property, and those put in place in terms of innovation and Research & Development.  

More specifically, this cross-functional support is provided by means of an Intellectual Property Strategy Diagnostic. Subsidised up to 80% by BPI France, this involves carrying out an inventory of intangible assets, a study of the competitive environment and the definition of a protection plan through industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, designs and models, know-how, etc.). It is also within this framework that IP Box opportunities can be identified, enabling eligible companies to benefit from public funding in the form of tax reductions. Conversely, this diagnostic also aims to facilitate the detection of potential IP registrations to be carried out as part of R&D consultancy assignments.  

By incorporating this “IP Box option” right from the start of the diagnostic process, Regimbeau and F. Initiatives are combining their skills to help protect companies’ innovations and enhance their financial value.  

« This partnership is perfectly in line with F. Initiatives’s vision and ambition to continue supporting innovation and research within companies. For more than 20 years, we have been striving to do just that for our clients, » declares Michel Moulinet, Head of Department at F. Initiatives. 

What is the IP Box ?  
Implemented as part of the 2019 Finance Act, the IP Box encourages companies to enhance the value of their IP assets through taxation, by providing them with the opportunity to benefit from a preferential rate of corporation tax for income derived from IP and linked to R&D work undertaken on French territory. Eligible companies benefit from a reduced rate of tax, from 25% to 10%.  

« The creation of this common and unique offering enables us to combine our respective expertise in intellectual property and innovation financing with the aim of securing and maximizing income for our clients, » adds Andrea Obispo, IP Box Team Manager

« Given the complementary nature of the services provided by F. Initiatives and those of Regimbeau, it became abundantly clear to us that establishing such a partnership would create value for our clients. We are proud to be able to offer a service that is unprecedented in the market, and to continue, more than ever, to encourage companies to have a 360° vision of their innovation strategy, » explains Marc Levieils, Managing Partner at Regimbeau  

Press Contacts:  

F. Initiatives  

Lucille Lavigne – 06 98 62 07 92 

Mélina Dahmane – 06 58 94 47 82 


Lucile Cauchy – +33 1 44 29 35 00

About Regimbeau  

Regimbeau, an Industrial Property consultancy, has been assisting companies and project developers in the private and public sectors for over 90 years in protecting, promoting and defending their innovations (patents, trademarks, designs and models). Fifteen partners lead a team of 200 people, whose skills cover all strategic aspects of industrial property: technology watch, licensing agreements, IP portfolio audits, partnership negotiations, acquisition of rights and litigation. Regimbeau’s expertise (with offices in Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Grenoble, Montpellier, Toulouse and Munich) enables it to respond to international strategic needs, while maintaining high-quality, personalised relationships with its clients.

About F.initiatives

With over twenty years of experience, F.initiatives (formerly the France entity of FI Group) has become the leader in innovation financing consultancy. With its 330 employees, the company supports more than 4,000 innovative companies each year around the world and across various sectors (digital, chemicals, agri-food, automotive, aerospace, etc.). Thanks to its team of tax lawyers and its partnership with lawyers who specialize in tax and intellectual property (IP) law, F.initiatives assists its clients during the various phases of tax inspections by government authorities. The company is distinguished by its comprehensive, 360° approach to innovation and investment, including public funding (research tax credits, grants, IP valuation), as well as decarbonization and environmental transition, innovation management, and recruitment.