19 News results found for "Digital".

Releases - 21 Mar 2024

EPO Patent Index 2023

The latest data from the European Patent Office (EPO) for the year 2023 is now available, revealing some interesting trends in technological innovation.   In 2023, three sectors stood out…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Releases - 19 Mar 2024

JUVE Patent – 2024 Rankings

Juve Patent, a reference platform specialized in the European patent market, has recently published its annual ranking of the best patent practitioners in Europe for 2024.   This year, Regimbeau has…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Rencontres - 15 Mar 2024

Trade show “Franchise Expo Paris 2024” – Monday, March 18

Katia Pouilly and Marion Jouy will be present at Franchise Expo Paris 2024 on Monday March 18, at Porte de Versailles in Paris.    This event, organized by Infopro Digital and…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Releases - 19 Jul 2023

Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court: Regimbeau announces the second edition of its book dedicated to the landmark European initiative

Paris, 19 July 2023 – Regimbeau, a French and European intellectual property firm, announces the release of the second edition of its book providing economic stakeholders with an insight into…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Releases - 25 May 2023

Gide and Regimbeau, two leading French patent litigation firms, join forces in creating a ground-breaking partnership, Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation. 

With the increasing complexity of national proceedings and the entry into force of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) , Gide Loyrette Nouel and Regimbeau have decided to join forces and…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Meetings - 30 Mar 2023

Regimbeau at the Salon de la Franchise – Paris

Each year, more than 30,000 project holders (employees, traders, investors, business creators, etc.) interested in entrepreneurship in franchise gathers at the Franchise Expo, Salon carried by the Fédération Française de…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Releases - 28 Mar 2023

Regimbeau strengthens its Digital team

Regimbeau is strengthening its team of engineers specialized in digital technologies to support its clients in this key sector of current innovations. We welcome Sylvain Chaffraix, French & European Patent…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Classifications and distinctions - 14 Mar 2023

JUVE Patent – 2023 Rankings

JUVE Patent, a reference platform specialising in the European patent market, has published its ranking of the best patent practitioners in Europe. REGIMBEAU is ranked among the best firms in…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Classifications and distinctions - 05 Apr 2022

JUVE Patent – 2022 Rankings

JUVE Patent, a reference platform specialising in the European patent market, has published its ranking of the best patent practitioners in Europe. REGIMBEAU is ranked among the best firms in…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Releases - 18 Mar 2021

Thomas Moisand, Senior Patent Attorney, joins Regimbeau

Paris, March 18, 2021 – Regimbeau, a major actor in the field of Industrial Property, is pleased to announce the arrival of Thomas Moisand in its Paris office as part…

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Webinars - 08 Dec 2020

EPO Webinar – Patent drafting in the mobility sector goes digital

Intervention of Frédérique Durieux, on the different filing methods and ways of integrating Europe into a global protection strategy by optimising procedure costs and delays. Inscription

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech
Webinars - 02 Jun 2020

Webinar: IP issues and protection of digital innovations – review and good practices

Interventions of Armelle Leonard and Mikaël Bensadoun at the webinar organized by Agri Sud Ouest on the topic “IP issues and protection of digital innovations – review and good practices”.

By Lazarina Choisnel et Cécile Puech