COVID-19: New free patent panorama databases are being launched

In the turbulent context of the fight against COVID-19, while patent protection of innovations has been at the heart of controversy, it has also been a source of positive collaboration between research teams. A number of patent information platforms have been created, indexing specific data on the subject and enabling the innovative community to carry out relevant searches in a targeted and structured corpus.

Paris, August 19, 2020 – In the turbulent context of the fight against COVID-19, while patent protection of innovations has been at the heart of controversy, it has also been a source of positive collaboration between research teams. A number of patent information platforms have been created, indexing specific data on the subject and enabling the innovative community to carry out relevant searches in a targeted and structured corpus.

As an IP actor, you can connect for free:

  • to the website, which is the result of cooperation between the China Patent Information Center (CNPAT) and the Patent Examination Cooperation Center (Beijing) of the Patent Office, CNIPA. Approximately 10,000 documents, including Chinese and PCT documents as well as documents from many national offices, are indexed in 9 sections (treatment medicine, prophylactic medicine, detection and diagnosis, medical instrument, protective product, medical disinfection, medical waste treatment method, waste water treatment method, others), and further divided into 35 branches.

It is currently possible to extract data via an Excel spreadsheet and to obtain an electronic copy of a title. However, keyword searches are not yet possible.

  • to the WIPO website via the Patentscope module, which has provided headings under which IPC classification codes are listed. This provides direct access to the search results for each IPC selected. For some of these headings, the system also offers proposals for search strategies which include keywords (with their synonyms) in a “keywords” column.
  • to The Lens website, produced by the Cambia NGO, which aims to make the innovation system more efficient, equitable, transparent and inclusive. This platform already contained access to a collection of more than 100 million patents originating from the EPO’s information system as well as to non-patent literature (links with Pubmed, Crossref and Microsoft Academic).

The “Covid-19 datasets” platform compiles free and open datasets of patent documents, scientific research metadata and patent biological sequences.

  • The European Commission, has set up an interactive page to monitor the Coronavirus research landscape. It is based on datasets containing scientific publications, patents and EU-funded R&D projects. Users can navigate through the data and customize their visualization (display of cumulative values, bar charts, etc.). A CORONAVIRUS public space has been made available to all in TIM to explore and navigate through the data.

If you have any questions concerning patent search tools, do not hesitate to contact the Strategic Intelligence and Documentation team.

Published by

Isabelle Mary

Head of the IP Intelligence Department