Paris, September 25, 2020 – We would like to inform you that fee changes are being implemented by the US Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and take effect on October 2, 2020. On average, patent fees are increasing by approximately 5%. You will find here a listing of all patent fee changes published by the USPTO.
We have summarized the most frequently paid fees for Large and Small Entities In the table below. The order of this table more closely tracks the order in which fees are paid.
In view of the fee changes, you may want to correspondingly adjust your practice. For example, in order to take advantage of the lower fees currently in effect, you may wish to enter the National Stage, file an Office Action response with a Petition for Extension of Time, or pay an Issue Fee prior to October 2, 2020.
If we can help you further understand the changes and/or address how the changes affect you, please let us know. Our US patent attorney, Bailey ZIEGLER, is available to answer your questions and provide any necessary guidance.