46 Insights results found for "Trademarks ".

Publications - 12 2月 2019

Anti-counterfeiting fight : a strengthened and more focused customs strategy

Publications - 12 2月 2019

Trademarks and use: a commentary on the Big Mac case

Publications - 01 2月 2019

What impact will a BREXIT without a withdrawal agreement as of March 30, 2019, have on your IP assets, in particular patents, trademarks & designs, domain names?

Publications - 28 1月 2019

What impact does a no deal as of March 30, 2019, have on data?

Publications - 24 1月 2019

Trademarks and ecology: a German VerpackG law on packaging

Publications - 09 10月 2018

Non-traditional trademarks, marketing is a powerful ally!

Publications - 04 9月 2018

URDP procedure: do not relinquish action against a disputed domain name registered for several years!

Publications - 04 9月 2018

Industrial designs: prior disclosure: the non-relevance of the place of disclosure. Invalidity of the “Crocs” registered community design for lack of novely.

Publications - 21 8月 2018

Brexit – Trademarks & Designs: an automatic transfer without official taxes for trademarks and designs of the European Union

Publications - 13 4月 2018

The assessment of the protection of a design with a technical function: an issue now settled by the Court of Justice of the European Union

Publications - 06 9月 2017

Draft French standard (NF X50-276) to facilitate the electronic exchange of data relating to intellectual property rights is subject to a public enquiry

Publications - 02 9月 2017

Elimination of the graphical representation requirement of your trademarks: Can’t find an available trademark? Be creative! Any sign can be registered… In theory