IP management in times of crisis: what priorities? REGIMBEAU by your side during this critical period of COVID 19

In this period of global health crisis, REGIMBEAU remains your partner in all areas that make up its core business: industrial and intellectual property, new technologies law, data protection ...

In this period of global health crisis, REGIMBEAU remains your partner in all areas that make up its core business: industrial and intellectual property, new technologies law, data protection …

The management of this crisis raises specific questions, requires the establishment of a new organization, the examination of the execution of your obligations and those of your partners, obliges to rethink strategic decisions, to modify your priorities and for some to make choices in the allocation of budgets.

Fully operational from the first hours of confinement, all of our services are available to monitor your files and manage your portfolios.

We have also organized ourselves to meet your specific needs during this critical period:

  • Punctual support of your IP and legal teams less available during this period;
  • Review of your portfolios, your strategies, your budgets taking into account your objectives and the risks and opportunities linked to current circumstances;
  • Analysis of your obligations and commitments as part of your ongoing partnerships, management and execution of your contracts;
  • Identification of opportunities and monitoring of the behavior of your competitors and / or partners and your markets.

Industrial property is an asset constituted and operated over the long term, its constitution results from your development strategy and secures your marketing and innovation investments. It is linked to your growth, the opening of new markets and your differentiation from your competitors.

It is therefore important to manage this crisis by keeping in mind your medium and long-term objectives and by putting the risks and opportunities of the options considered into perspective, according to your priorities (innovation, development, marketing, etc.).

All our teams remain mobilized to help you in your decision-making and in the preservation of your strategic assets.

Do not hesitate to request your regular contact who remains fully available to answer to your questions.

We have also mobilized a dedicated team organized to respond with reactivity to all your specific questions on +33 and hotline@regimbeau.eu.

Published by

Stéphanie Massin Célaire


Katia Pouilly

Responsable du Service Contrats
Valorisation & Data

Isabelle Mary

Head of the IP Intelligence Department